Features & Benefits

Discovery IQ Gen 2 reinforces what the highest sensitivity can do for your image quality. Built with a combination of the highest NEMA sensitivity, the highest clinical NECR and outstanding field-of-view coverage, this PET/CT system has exceptional small lesion detectability. Amongst these industry-leading capabilities, Discovery IQ Gen 2 also features Smart MAR, which helps reduce metal artifacts, providing significant reduction of streaks and shadows to save time from correcting images. It is imaging in the highest sense, using low dose and faster acquisition times to acquire high-clarity images like no other PET/CT system.

MotionFree is the first-ever digital respiratory motion management solution that completely eliminates the need for a gating device. It continually monitors respiratory motion in every PET/CT procedure, automatically modifies the scan and then integrates what it learns into the final image in real time. MotionFree is the new standard for PET imaging and an essential tool for better outcomes.

LightBurst PET detector Discovery IQ Gen 2 comes with the LightBurst PET Detector that reduces scan times and dose amounts in half. The LightBurst PET Detector is compatible with advanced digital solutions designed to connect machines, people and data through a portfolio of healthcare analytics applications.

Q.Clear has delivered fast and efficient quantitation readings for confident diagnosis and precise treatment response assessment by providing up to two times improvement in both PET quantitation accuracy (SUVmean) and image quality (SNR). Now, improvements in the Q.Clear algorithm are further enhancing the resolution of brain images in vertical/coronal planes.

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